A/B Testing

The way I came up with Photo Resumes for the European Market

I observed that a huge percentage of people were engaging with the website and signing up, with the PHOTO resume page , as opposed to the plain text resume ! 

Finally realised, thanks to the A/B test , that a photo resume was one of the most desired attributes in a European Resume 


This is how I executed the plan using Google Optimize 

You can show 50% of users in a specific geographic region (like Europe) one version, and the other 50% another version in Google Optimize

This can be achieved by combining geographical targeting with audience split within a single experiment.

Here’s how you can set this up:

Steps to Set Up A/B Test with Geographical Targeting and Audience Split in Google Optimize:


Example of the Setup:

This setup allows you to run an A/B test specifically targeting users from Europe, and divide the traffic evenly between the two versions of your page.